Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Oh What a Beautiful Morning

Oh what a beautiful day. Everyday starts with these blue beauties greeting me on the way to my backyard green grocer where I harvest the fresh chives, tomatoes and basil to throw into my breakfast omelet--such big rewards for so little effort.

Monday, October 08, 2007

Dateline: Chicago, October 8, 2007

It feels a little bit surreal to be walking barefoot across my patio hoping to catch a cooling breeze on October 8th in my zone 5 local. My garden still thinks it's summer. The tomatoes are literally bursting at their seems, the green peppers glow with sweat and the basil stretches skyward. The irony--my just arrived Martha Stewart Living is awash with Thanksgiving perparations. Yesterday, the Chicago Marathon had to be stopped after 3 hours and 45 minutes due to the heat. Who knows, maybe that was the Cubs problem on Saturday. But, I know, in spite of global warming, this most likely will be a short lived respite from Chicago's long winter. I'm thinking another day like today won't happen again for seven to seven and a half months so I'm loving it and will worry about the Thanksgiving turkey tomorrow.